Excel provides you different types of charts that suit your purpose . Based on the type of data, you can create a chart.

Follow the steps given to insert Charts

Step 1 – Arrange the data in columns or rows on the worksheet.
Step 2 – Select the Data.
Step 3 – On the INSERT tab, in the charts group, click the column chart icon on the Ribbon

Step 4 – Click on the Column Chart and place the cursor on each chart and you can see the preview of the same.

Step 5 – Place the matched chart exact with your data.

List of Charts in Excel 
  1. Column Chart
  2. Line
  3. Pie
  4. Bar
  5. Area
  6. XY (Scatter)
  7. Map
  8. Stock
  9. Surface
  10. Radar
  11. Treemap
  12. Sunburst
  13. Histogram
  14. Box & Whisker
  15. Waterfall
  16. Funnel
  17. Combo

Charts are creating with the same method mentioned above.


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